Nicola Tesla goes to New York, in the U.S.A., to found his own power company. Today, New York is a very big and modern city, but the official capital of USA is Washington DC, named after George Washington, while DC means District of Columbia and was named after Christopher Columbus. Buildings and monuments In Washington there is an important monument dedicated to George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln. Thomas Jefferson was one of the writers of the declaration of independence, while Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery. There are three important buildings in Washington, the US Capitol, the Supreme Court and the White House.

The government

The parliament, that is called Congress, meets in the US Capitol. It has two houses, the House of representatives and the Senate; they represent the legislative branch. In the Supreme Court nine judges meet, they take the final decision in difficult law cases and they represent the judicial branch. The White House is the most important building in Washington and here the president lives and works. He is the head of the executive branch and he is helped by 15 advisors that called the Cabinet. The presidential election is a very long process. At the end of a long campaign, the people vote the electors and they promise to choose the candidate preferred by people. In history no woman has been elected president to date. To become president you must be at least 35 years old and be born or resident for 14 years in the USA.
il genio di Nikola Tesla
© Daniele Caccamo - Istituto Comprensivo “Michele Bello” - Siderno (RC), 2021

L’Agenda 2030 e il sogno di Tesla

Il sogno di Tesla - L’Agenda ONU 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
di Daniele Caccamo, 3° D

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Paris - La Tour Eiffel